
Friendship, Sisterhood, Belonging

Tri Delta was founded by women for women, when our Founders bravely created a new organization that would “think more of a woman’s inner character than her outward appearance.” In Tri Delta, you are a unique and valuable part of the whole.

We don’t want you to come here and be like us. We want you to come here and be you.

Membership Information

Recruitment Is Open!

Dear Delta Sisters!
It's that time of year again! Time to join and/or renew your membership with the North Dallas Area Tri Delta Alumnae Chapter!

Your officers have been working hard all summer putting together a great schedule of events that you won't want to miss! So, join us for another year of sisterhood and renew your alumnae membership today!

Our 2024 – 2025 membership drive is now open through Oct. 31st!

STEP 1: Complete the Membership Form linked below. Not all questions are required, but answering them is vital to our alumnae chapter's planning and success.

STEP 2: At the end of the Membership Form is a direct link to submit your dues via PayPal, Zelle, debit/credit card, or to indicate you'll be submitting payment later. Use the pull down menu on the left to select the type of membership you are choosing or renewing. You can also use the Paypal direct link at the bottom of this page.

**Please note we have several membership options to make sure you can join us this year!**

Option 1 - To pay through PayPal, go to this link and select your membership level. Please be sure to include your full name in the comments section so that we can match your payment to your membership form.

Option 2 - To pay by check: Address the check to "North Dallas Area Tri Delta Alumnae," write "Dues" on the memo line as well as your designated membership level, and mail to North Dallas Tri Delta Alumnae at 405 Forest Grove Dr., Richardson, TX 75080.

Option 3 - To pay by Zelle, send your dues to recipient name Please make sure to include within the memo line the name of the member for whom you are paying as well as the designated membership level.

Dues & Donation time. Support the Chapter and all the fun things we have planned this year!

Not sure about membership or have questions about completing the form? Feel free to email us and we'll be happy to follow up with you!

STEP 1:North Dallas Membership Form

